You arent even aware that entire Euparl is elected democratically and with proportional representation, which is lightyears more democratic than the FPTP UK has.
You arent even aware that European commission members have to be approved by Euparl.
You arent even aware that nobody other than an elected Euparl member can propose legislation. Even Eu commission has to get an Euparl member to propose any laws they want to bring to the table.
Of course, you have no idea that every law and rule that happens in Eu has to be approved by Euparl before becoming a law. And Euparl can amend any bill before passing it.
And in contrast, you have FPTP, an unelected 'house of lords', unelected royals lording over your politics, even as you call yourself 'democratic'.
You have no f*cking idea on things you are talking about. Most of what you say is false. Yet you arrogantly assert your dumb sh*t.
Excellent example of the people in Umair's article.