Yep. Not having nightclubs and prostitution. That's what matters. Definitely not things like everyone having a home, a job, healthcare, free education, free higher education, reasonable working hours, paid vacations, paid maternity leave, reasonable retirement age and pay and stuff. Those dont matter. 'Freehdum' is the name of the game, and you gotta have night clubs and hookers for that to be real. Otherwise, no dice.
If you do have nightclubs and hookers, you can go yammer about 'freehdum' on internet even as 30 million of your people go hungry, majority of them live on the brink of going bankrupt and homeless due to a $500 bill even as they juggle multiple minimum wage jobs, and well, large part of the population is just left to die when they cant pay for healthcare. Because it is 'freehdum'.
You sort out or recognize your own sh*t first, then lecture people about 'freehdum' on internet. Which still wouldnt be nightclubs and hookers, but hey.
This discussion is over. I filled my daily quota of helping Trumpets with common sense today. If you survive the next Trump boat rally without sinking and have gained come common sense, try debating online again then and only then. Until then, look into sorting out your own sh*t.
Good day.