Yeah. It is. This is how they ended up with legions of people who can invert binary trees, but cant design & develop simple, human-usable products.
Google turned from a search engine to a shopping engine that gives crap results. Even for shopping - why should I search with Google if I can just go search Amazon directly as most of the top results that it gives me are from Amazon anyway...
On the more technical side I'm still clicking ~3 menu items on average to get to one random report at Google Cloud, then click 1-2 more links to get to a report itself. Then I have to deal with a zillion filters to even approach the end result I wanted. I can easily see that the organization of the entire interface and service reflects their code organization and makes it much easier for them to develop & deploy. But it's dysfunctional from a user perspective.
All the other products are like that. Including Gmail's 'new and modern' design that makes us wait for at least 2 seconds to load like we are still in 1999 even on a fiber connection.
This is what happens when you filter candidates for inverting binary trees and whatnot instead of filtering real-life achievements and impact that actually serve users.