“Whataboutism” -> That’s called an objective, unbiased framework. You cant keep hurling moral and legal accusations against everyone else while you are doing the same thing. Because this is exactly what it is.
“Oh, they ‘meddled’ in our elections!!”, while openly spending gobs of cash to subvert the politics of every other country…
“Moral relativism” -> You still cant accuse others of what you are doing and expect to be taken seriously.
And you are also false about Trump voters’ motives — they didnt vote him for his morals or ethics — they just voted him because he presented him as the opposite of what they hated. They merely elected him to not elect the other one in a battle of identities.
At this rate, seeing how clueless many of you about the reality and motives of that crowd, doing nothing to address what brought Trump about, he will come back.