"We" are not at the end of future. Angloamerican countries are. The rest of the world is doing pretty much fine.
And the Angloamerican countries are at the end of the future because of people like you, who complain rightfully about everything wrong, but who, instead of advocating the correct solutions, advocate things which will make everything worse.
Like how you have sh*t on Corybn for ~3 years based on some antisemitism horsesh*t, even going as far to criticize his actual left wing economic policies, only to help the neoliberal stand-in Starmer take over Labour and collaborate with Tories to sell entire UK wholesale to US corporations.
Then you logged into medium and wrote how UK has turned into a sh*thole.
Or how you complained about psychopathic imperial wars for years, only to support murderous Afghan occupation because 'women's rights', just freaking yesterday.
People like you are ending the Angloamerican countries' future.