It is indeed not needed. What is however needed is to show a causation with the economic system, i.e. capitalism, which seems to be implication here.
The references already given pretty much demonstrate it so. In US, where social security net is being gimped to provide corporate tax breaks, the rising food costs have passed the point of being affordable to a large segment of the population.
Not one bit. Facts are to the contrary: meta-analysis on the subject showsthat it is indeed cheaper to cook at home than to eat junk food.
The article you list compares cooking the ingredients which you can already afford at home versus ordering the same ingredients cooked from a restaurant.
It has no relation to the topic. Poor people cant afford the ingredients.
The source on that is simply Vice-President of Venezuela. That’s neither here nor there
The ships have been held where they were held openly, and the holding of ships is in public record. It doesnt matter whether VP of Venezuela reports a public fact.
If anything the opposite happens: Venezuela blocks aid from coming into the country.
It was sources like NPR, including NPR itself who lied about Venezuelan government ‘burning food aid trucks’ for 3 days despite a video of the event which showed that some apparently Colombian militants coming from the ‘protesters’ side and throwing molotov cocktails on the ‘aid trucks’ they brought to the border, being available on Twitter 3 minutes after the event.
US State Dept., US media lied for 3 days in case anyone bought it.
The video is still on Twitter.
The burden of proof is not on the opponent side, but is on the US establishment sources’ side, who are known to be regularly lying about whatever they can in order to propagate regime change operations.
An anecdotal video from Max Blumenthal supposedly in Venezuela
There is no room for introducing ‘doubt’ into the authenticity of the reporting which Blumenthal did live in Venezuela during the course of the events. Including the supermarket video.
Even then, even he admits at the end this stuff is too expensive for most people to afford
That’s why government has food distribution centers to provide food to poor population in order to protect them from economic warfare.
Nonsensical sources aside, we have independent sources from UN to Amnesty International telling a different story
Economic warfare affecting people being inevitable aside, citing another Angloamerican foreign policy extension like Amnesty International does not lend credence to any argument. It was that Amnesty International’s president who Tweeted a picture of Nagasaki after atomic bomb, saying that it was “Damascus after Assad’s barrel bombs”, in order to raise support for a US intervention. Similarly the same institution sold the Nayirah lie to raise support for first Iraq invasion.
As for how much effect can blockades and economic warfare can make, we have a previous example.
It is estimated that US killed ~1 million people even before 2003 invasion by blockading medicine from Iraq, claiming that the sanctions were ‘targeted at Iraqi officials’. UN inspectors tasked with overseeing the sanctions quit in protest. And above is their recent recount of the events. And they call it a genocide.
That’s how socialist countries fail — they get blockaded, they get economic warfare, then every scarcity and problem that happens there is ‘Socialism’s fault’. Even if US ships are trolling their seas, making sure no ship with medicine or food passes through.
Here is a better, accurate account of the Venezuela events with references.