The capitalists in the US started waging war on their own people after having exhausted everything abroad after the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc. All profits abroad that could be made, were made. Then they turned on their own people just like how the 19th century Marxist analysis predicted.
This process started with late 90s. Until then, the US was at the top of the world, the wealthiest of all. And yet large poor segment was rotting in project housing or slums while a small percentage of 'middle class' just 'did ok'.
Additionally, you miss the fact that the internal warfare that is waged on the American people was and is totally different from the economic war that was waged on the Eastern Bloc:
While the war waged on the Eastern Bloc forced them to allocate all GDP to defense due to the threatening posture and deployments of the US, they were starving them of GDP and isolating them from all the colonies and satellite states that the US controlled at that time. Causing both GDP and goods shortage in the USSR.
But there is no such situation in the US. The US has a shortage of neither goods, nor GDP. Actually, it has plenty of GDP and it can import whatever it wants.
So its different. The US is starving its people in the midst of plenty because that is what capitalism does. Not due to any external economic enemy...