Take it from the most hardline US satellites, you mean. More than half of Europe. Mirroring the same demonization that is raised against every single enemy that the US targets.
US Imperialism can only stop in this manner, like how Russia is reacting with red lines, not with people like you writing about it online. And no - you can be sure that whomever stopped any US imperial project anywhere, he or she would be equally demonized like Putin. Same was done to Chavez, Ortega, Morales, Assad, Maduro, Lula - every single one of them. So, drop the 'Putin is Hitler' shtick. Every US enemy is Hitler.
And if you want to 'take it from around the world', take it from China, India, Africa, a lot of the South America, more than half of the world, who did not condemn Russia for retaliating.