So tell me. Is Spain, who just about wiped out most of the native Indian population of America
That's English propaganda. Projecting what they did to others.
That having been sorted, the Spanish, French and the rest of Western European countries are in the Anglo camp to the extent their governments are backed or influenced by the US at any given time. Which is most of the time for the last few decades. However, these countries do not exhibit the nationalist behavior pattern that is endemic to a certain part of Angloamerica.
And no. "Everyone" is not guilty. There is no counterpart in world history to the Angloamerican establishment of the last 300 years in eradicating literally entire continent full of peoples. Not even Genghis Khan was so brutal - his deal was "Join us or die". Not "These are non-human so we can eradicate all of them".
And all of those before recent times, without touching the industralized murder that British effected in India or China for profit.