No. You didnt show anything. You just linked the actual sociopaths who advocated the Iraq War policy and then made it real. No need to say that they are in no way the arbiters of the international law.
But at least I got you to read the Article 51 or whatever you found in another Angloamerican news outlet or blog, that's improvement.
Now on to the actual reality:
In contrast to what you Angloamericans made yourselves believe due to US actions in the Iraq War, the Article 51 does not forbid countries from declaring war. Or 'invading' others, as you so emotionally seem to describe by forgetting the Normandy Invasion was in itself, well, an invasion.
The Article 51 allows countries to declare war if their existence is threatened, if a credible enemy that can carry out the war threats threatens them even verbally, if any other country systematically hurts or kills its citizens in an ongoing fashion, and if any other international agreement approved by the UN which tasks a given country with the protection of that treaty, a group of people named in that treaty or its own citizens, allows a country to do so.
All of those conditions were fulfilled in the Ukraine case. Including the Minsk Agreement's relevant articles that were approved by the UN general assembly. Which is the highest, and only actual authority in international law.
In contrast to what you Angloamericans came to make yourselves believe because of the actions of the US and the opinion generated around Iraq War, the countries are not forbidden from declaring war as long as the conditions of Article 51 regarding an enemy that is a credible threat making threats of war or conducting economic warfare or the protection of one's own citizens are involved.
At this point remembering that the US mounted all the circus about nonexistent WMDs that could hit US eastern seaboard and the anthrax envelopes in the lead up to the Iraq War woudl help - all of that was done to claim that Iraq was a credible threat to the US and the American people. If all of them were not lies, the US would have been justified in its war.
So now, take some time and go read about what is called 'casus belli'. Then you could avoid making grand-standing, arrogant statements based on the current Angloamerican 'thing' that is going on...