No, we arent having a very tough go of things. Germany is. Things are pretty ok in other parts of Europe. Definitely there is nothing like anyone having trouble finding antibiotics or ambulances not coming.
And no, the 'world' doesn't need help. The world isn't the UK, or a few countries in Europe. Most of the world is doing pretty normally, from Asia to South America. Even a large part of Europe.
England's problem stems from the fact that it chose to shoot itself in the foot, then it started a foreign policy adventure in which it shot itself in the foot again, and then it doubled down on everything by using it as a chance to make the rich richer. And the English not only allowed it all, but wholeheartedly supported it out of spite and hate for practically everyone else on the planet but a few.
England - not 'the UK', or less, 'Britain', because all the other 'members' of that 'union' were never even a second banana to England. Britain is a term that was invented by some 18th century Scottish nobles to stomach the new 'union', and 'United' kingdom is united in everything but its name. Its England who drags every other 'member' against their will, even as it hates each and every one of those members and does that openly.
This something that the English must fix. Its a cultural problem. Hating, smearing, blaming everyone else for everything that goes wrong, and feeling better by doing so. That's the cultural problem that plagues England. And until the English stop doing that, they will never be free to fix their problems.