Never. I didn't even know that 'conversation view' existed. I never heard about Meet achieving low-cost multiway video conferencing in 2011. I didn't even use Hangouts after GoogleTalk was 'deprecated'. This is despite the fact that I work in tech, and I have been using various Google products for a long time.
Even after hearing about those, I don't feel the slightest inclination to use any of them. Especially at the risk of any of them getting 'deprecated' on my face as a user one day out of the blue when someone at Google decides that.
From where I stand, it does look like Google needs a lot of 'product' people and mentality and less 'engineering' people and mentality. Its people who use the products, and its products who enable and need that engineering. Engineering does not exist for its own sake. Without people and products, there would be absolutely zero need for any kind of engineering.