Except that investment you speak of is a redistribution that happens through taxation. It has the same effect.
Also that proposition assumes that by just giving people an education, jobs will magically materialize, poverty will magically go away and ignorance will magically disappear.
It doesnt' happen that way in real world. Automation causes fewer jobs for every classification, whereas people can still stay utterly (and sometimes consciously) ignorant despite having higher education. A lot of conservative voters in US are an example of this. Whereas poverty is not fixed at all by education.
So situation wont change by giving more education to people, and those who own 90% of world economy will still own it. Those educated people will have to work for those 1% who own most of the world, if they can find a job.
The only solution is to limit max wealth and redistribute that power to generate wealth. We can give people who hit $200 million or something like that a placard saying "Contrats - you won Capitalism" and be done with it - like how some people propose.
$200 million would be gigantic amount of wealth in such an environment since in such an environment where wealth is redistributed, the runaway inflation and exorbitant pricing of luxury items, real estate etc would be reined in. So top tier things would cost much less.