Im of the opinion that the sector has been pushing an increasing amount of responsibilities and expectations on to juniors (actually, onto all levels) over the last decade. But I digress.
Well, a todo app would definitely be an indicator of a project that was done for homework, a class or the result of a bootcamp. That's definitely something that can be passed over, unless the app has any interesting complexity it solves or a unique approach.
By projects, websites or services etc, I meant something that the developer has decided to create and run himself/herself, and has been running or maintaining some time. If it is a unique project or complex-to-keep-up service its much better of course, but even simple websites and services help gain experience a lot when maintained over sufficient amount of time: There will be outages needing resolving, infra issues, backwards compatibility issues that come with server software or underlying software (generally OSS) upgrades etc. Even these by themselves teach someone a lot about creating and maintaining software and systems.