Except...no big tech company controls 99% of any market.
Google controls 91% of search. It doesnt matter if its 99% or 91%. All the few big tech companies control close to 80%-90% of everything among themselves. There being a non-colluding cartel does not mean that the cartel that exists should be let to do whatever it wants.
Moreover this is irrelevant: Nobody has the right to destroy the livelihood of another person. We dont allow ordinary people to do it. There is no reason why private tech monopolies should be allowed to.
The only really successful case of anti monopoly litigation was Standard Oil...and look at what happened.
Thats incorrect. There are a lot of anti-monopoly interventions across the world. Moreover, there are a lot of anti-monopoly laws that prevent such monopolies being formed. You dont seem to be thinking outside the US framework.
They are a paper tiger...fundamentally incompetent and ineffectual.
They are pretty successful elsewhere in the world. If they havent been successful in the US, maybe the problem is with the US and the mindset there, not with anti-monopoly interventions.
Nothing what you written follows the analogy or makes sense.
Says the person who cant see further than the horizon of the US coasts.
They're not monopolies and you're not even forced to use their services.
Yes you are. There isnt another venue to be able to compete if you want to do business.
It is not necessary to use Google, Amazon or Facebook to navigate the web.
It is. Either you use them or you just crawl while your competitors kill your business.
You don't even have to use a company to do those things outside of an ISP...
Surely, people can just use bbses and ftps and whatnot. Like its 1999. That does make sense.
Your arguments are not reasonable. We are not letting anyone buy, own and control large swaths of land to prevent them from setting up fiefdoms in modern society. There is no reason why we should let it happen on the Internet.
If you control the lives and livelihoods of millions of people - not even billions - you are responsible for those. If you screw their lives up, the state as the hand of the people, from where all the rights and authority derive from, takes action.