Kudos to Biden for actually ending the occupation, which the military-industry complex and right-wing did want to continue in one way or the other.
Even as of now, these segments are propagating a narrative in which not occupying Afghanistan being bad for ‘women’s rights or the withdrawal ‘having been handled badly’. As if either of those is a reason to keep a hostile occupation going.
The withdrawal was never going to be easy. After having occupied a country for ~20 years and wantonly killing their civilians for profit, could any ‘peaceful withdrawal’ be contemplated?
Through a totally compliant satellite government that continued the US occupation behind a facade of being ‘local’, maybe… But that has ceased being a possibility a looong time ago.
Now corporate media is doing a lot of spinning on the narrative, doing emotional manipulation by talking about ‘Americans who are left behind’ or Afghan refugees, women’s rights, Taliban, and whatever else they can think of.
Most of it is to punish an administration that actually ended the military occupation. Sending a message to all politicians about what happens when you defy military-industry complex — vile, incessant political attacks, blaming them of things which are out of anyone’s control.
This is even before the fact that it is very easy for any ‘dissatisfied party’ to effect casualties using the legions of different Islamist factions which CIA armed and trained. Precisely like how it seems to have happened. In the usual fashion of rogue behavior of military-industry complex — they have been doing whatever they wanted, irreverent of the democratically elected authority for a long time anyway.
This environment shows who’s who and where whose allegiance lies.
Who actually supports peace, coexistence, who actually pushes war, imperialism, and profiteering.
Every single mass media outlet seems to have gone out in full force to push a warmongering narrative behind a facade of ‘human rights’ pretense, with every single major pundit shamelessly backing the warmongering narrative behind a pretense of worry for human rights.
All of them are attacking the Biden administration for doing something right. Ending a murderous occupation.
Now, it's certain that the rogue entity that is the military-industry complex is going to continue its war, using CIA proxies, dark money, ‘local allies’, and the like. However, it seems that they are pretty outmatched by the Taliban.
So, the occupation can be considered really over, which may explain the vile attacks of the allies of the military-industry complex against the administration which ended this occupation. Even as its allies on the ground mount suicide bombings and attacks.
Considering the ire and vengeful nature of this outfit and what could have happened, the Biden administration’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan seems to have been pretty smooth.
Biden administration can chalk up one major plus in their track record.
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