Oz ZerenLaid Off Tech Workers Must Turtle Up And Create A New EconomyPlay for the long termSep 17Sep 17
Oz ZerenDemocratizing Information, Knowledge and Content On The Internet Won’t Be EnoughWe came a long way, but we need to democratize other things to succeedAug 25Aug 25
Oz ZerenIran Has Sent A Message To Israel With Limited ActionThe world’s geopolitics have changed overnightApr 14Apr 14
Oz ZerenThe Irony: The Conservative American State, Texas, Is Showing How To Deal With Housing Crisisis —…And sociopaths don’t like itMar 292Mar 292
Oz ZerenTo Stem Inflation, The State Must Become An Alternative Provider Of Critical Goods And ServicesOtherwise sociopaths will destroy the society for profitMar 20Mar 20
Oz ZerenThe Left And The Popular Movements In The West Fail To Succeed Because They Cant Create Communities…And that’s why they fail against the reactionary movementsFeb 28Feb 28
Oz ZerenTrump May Come Back As Democrats Have Nothing To Offer To The MajorityExcept empty promises, performative politics, a whole lot of hot airFeb 12Feb 12
Oz ZerenWhy The US Elite Screwed Up The Ukraine WarHint: Its the same way they keep screwing up everythingJan 12Jan 12
Oz ZerenHow The US Got Beaten In Its Own Game In Ukraine: The Full StoryIt was supposed to be simple — the US was going to apply the Afghanistan playbook in Ukraine against Russia. But everything went south…Jan 2Jan 2