1 - Unfortunately, inaccurate.
2 - Thats a false perception that is based on the hyping of recent tech sector successes. In reality, for the last ~270 years, what uncapped wealth has led to was only consolidation of wealth and hoarding of more wealth.
No, talented people dont do it for money. If they did, people like the tech founders you speak of, could make much more money just dumping the money on major investment funds and sitting somewhere. Its not about hoarding for them - its doing things. The rest of the billionaires are pretty fine with just hoarding.
3 - This is the state and result of the current economic system. The system is set up to require that amount of capital. And it does precisely that. A different system would have different requirements. I wrote about it in a linked article down below this one.
4 - It is so because American people make it so. Voting for psychos who want to 'drown the government in a bathtub'. It does not happen the same in other countries.
5 - Miniscule amounts of charity compared to the inequality billionaires generate don't make up for the damage that is done to the society.
6 - Hard to understand what would one require proven about the setup of a private tyranny where what the 'owner' commands happens without any objection. And no, billionaires don't 'invest'. That was up until 1970s and the financialization of the economy thanks to computerized trading. Now dumping your money in an automated investment fund that just generates more money through fast trading is much more efficient than tying that money to physical investments for a decade or more. Which is the reason for the great decline in physical investment since 1970s.
7 - We enforce a lot of more complicated things. If we can enforce them, we can enforce that too. And, a lot of people with great ideas do never get the funding they need. A system like the one I described in the linked articles, would give them that funding.
And renouncing citizenship doesn't work like that. The US government must approve it. If it doesn't, a person is liable with taxes on anything he or she earns anywhere on the planet. Furthermore, global minimum tax schemes like the ones proposed by the US and other governments make such shortcuts infeasible.
8 - Those people have that kind of wealth and control because those are the result of the current system and the problems it creates. Including wars. As long as those people keep that wealth, which comes with control, you can never end those other problems...